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Anatomy of Respiration and Introduction to Pranayama

Join Kendra Potter of Sistermoon Wellness in this online workshop to break down the basics of the breath as a vehicle for life force.

Pranayama, or control of life force/breath, is the 4th of the eight limbs of yoga.


In this workshop, we will learn about the mechanics of respriation, break down what is actually happening when we breathe, and then discuss and experience several of the more common pranayama practices in a safe and accessible way.

With the current state of the world, so much attention is on respiratory health. Pranayama has the potential to help support and increase respriatory and mental wellness, as well as energetic capacity. One feels its effects immediately and cumulatively.

We will cover

  • anatomy of the respiratory system

  • ujjayi, kappalabhati, bhastrika, and nadi shodhana pranayamas

  • overview of anatomy of the subtle body (nadis, vayus, doshas, chakras)

This information is intended as a prerequisite for the Saturday May 30 workshop Breath Practices, Pranayama, and the Subtle Energy of Meditation with James Bae. However, it can easily serve as a stand alone workshop. It will be offered via Zoom.

Suggested Donation: $25, though no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Payments can be made via venmo @kendra-potter, or email for other payment options.

To register, email